COA: 77.77 GBp
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We place high importance on providing our stakeholders with the information they need to make informed judgements about our business and approach to sustainability.

We also recognise that each of our stakeholders places different expectations upon our business, so we communicate and engage with them in a variety of different ways depending on what they want to know and the significance of their concerns. More information on how we do this can be found here
To support this engagement process, we continue to report in line with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and this year we have again produced a specific, tailored Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) index for our investors.

GRI index

The Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, first published in 2000 and most recently in 2016 (GRI Standards), provide a framework for reporting on an organisation’s economic, social and environmental performance. The GRI Standards are the first global standards for sustainability reporting. They feature a modular, interrelated structure, and represent the global best practice for reporting on a range of economic, environmental and social impacts.
We continue to report in line with the requirements of the GRI and have done so since 2011.This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option, including any updates to reporting standards that are published by February 2020 but due for implementation in 2021.
Details on how our 2018 sustainability reporting is aligned to the reporting elements and the required indicators of the GRI Standards Reporting Criteria, Core option can be downloaded
GRI index

ESG index

This year we have again produced an additional tailored index for our investors offering more direct navigation to relevant ESG information that may be of interest to them. This bespoke index has been developed based on recent inquiries and data requests from investors. The index can be downloaded
ESG index

Pernyataan UU Perbudakan Modern

Pernyataan ini telah dipersiapkan untuk tahun yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2022 dan sesuai dengan persyaratan UU Perbudakan Modern Inggris Tahun 2015 dan Transparansi California dalam UU Rantai Pasokan Tahun 2010.

Pernyataan ini mempertimbangkan panduan1, Pemerintah Inggris yang telah disetujui oleh Dewan Direksi Coats Group plc dan berlaku untuk semua unit bisnis dan anak perusahaan Coats.
1Transparency in supply chains: a practical guide – GOV.UK (