When heat is applied to the surface of the embroidery an embossed effect is achieved. Since it is used as an embroidery application followed by a fusing operation, it provides designers with design flexibility.
Our Itero TC polyester embroidery thread utilises a TPU coating. Once heated and fused, the TPU coating ensures a logo does not look like a standard embroidered thread providing enhanced aesthetics.
Itero TC can create a look similar to PVC patches without harming the environment.

Fitur dan Manfaat
- Benang bordir hias, yang sangat cocok untuk alas kaki dan aksesori
- Tersedia dalam konfigurasi berwarna (pilih dari 8 corak)
- Efek timbul 2D yang luar biasa setelah penyatuan diaplikasikan
- Aplikasikan panas dan satukan TPU, sehingga menciptakan efek yang lebih halus, tahan lama, dan luar biasa pada aplikasi bordiran
- Menciptakan tampilan bordir yang mirip dengan tambalan PVC
- Tersedia untuk digunakan pada semua bahan standar

Kegunaan Utama
- Itero TC embroidery thread enhances the aesthetics of footwear and creates intricate designs/patterns. Decorative stitching can be utilised on different footwear components. Often, footwear brands use embroidery thread to design vibrant logos on shoes. It also helps to add embellishments like floral motifs and exquisite patterns.
- Itero TC embroidery thread makes a brand logo stand out on outdoor goods and bags. It can help create custom designs and decorative patterns, offering a personalised experience. You can also create aesthetically appealing effects on luggage and travel goods.

Kegunaan Utama
- Create vibrant 2D designs & decorative elements on accessories like phone covers, hats, sports caps, handbags, wallets, scarves etc. It provides the freedom to craft a distinctive style on visually appealing accessories.
- Enhance aesthetics of garments. Create intricate & bold patch designs just like we have in traditional PVC patches. Experience exceptional 2D effects in sportswear, kidswear, and men’s and women’s wear.

Kegunaan Utama
- The standard embroidery programs that are used for normal embroidery threads cannot be used. As a result, new programs are required for each design, and the optimum stitch density is 0.4mm, depending on the material type applied.

Kegunaan Utama
- Itero TC embroidery thread enhances the aesthetics of footwear and creates intricate designs/patterns. Decorative stitching can be utilised on different footwear components. Often, footwear brands use embroidery thread to design vibrant logos on shoes. It also helps to add embellishments like floral motifs and exquisite patterns.
- Itero TC embroidery thread makes a brand logo stand out on outdoor goods and bags. It can help create custom designs and decorative patterns, offering a personalised experience. You can also create aesthetically appealing effects on luggage and travel goods.

Kegunaan Utama
- Create vibrant 2D designs & decorative elements on accessories like phone covers, hats, sports caps, handbags, wallets, scarves etc. It provides the freedom to craft a distinctive style on visually appealing accessories.
- Enhance aesthetics of garments. Create intricate & bold patch designs just like we have in traditional PVC patches. Experience exceptional 2D effects in sportswear, kidswear, and men’s and women’s wear.

Kegunaan Utama
- The standard embroidery programs that are used for normal embroidery threads cannot be used. As a result, new programs are required for each design, and the optimum stitch density is 0.4mm, depending on the material type applied.
Pertanyaan yang sering diajukan
- What is the significance of TPU Coating on polyester embroidery thread?
Ans – Fusing ability to provide embossed effects - Is it possible to wash this thread?
Ans – Yes - What shades are available?
Ans – Please refer to the Itero TC available in the downloads sections of this page. - Can this be used for hand embroidery as well?
Ans – No - Can this thread be used for high-speed machine embroidery operations?
Ans – Embroidery speed has to be adjusted for the design and is slightly lower than standard embroidery threads - Are there any special precautions or care instructions for Itero TC?
Ans – Specific Programs are needed for each design - How can I purchase Itero TC?
Ans – Contact your Coats local sales team
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