It has a high breaking strength and optimum stretch characteristics. In addition, Coats Gral Suture is highly resistant to chemicals such as acids and alkalis and has excellent abrasion resistance.
Created in a sterile environment, our non-absorbable polyester suture thread is for use in medical and surgical procedures.
Coats Gral Suture is a sterile surgical suture which is available in green and white.

Kegunaan Utama
- Sutures

Mantel® Gral™
A lubricated polyester thread made from pre-stabilised high tenacity continuous filament polyester.
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Mantel® Gral™ AS
Minimise the attraction of down towards the needle, helping to prevent down leakage through needle holes.
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Mantel® Gral™ AST Anti-static
Dilengkapi komponen konduktif logam yang mengurangi muatan listrik untuk mencegah penumpukan listrik statis.
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Mantel® Gral™ AWF (Apparel Sizes)
A specially formulated finish that delivers a high degree of water resistance.
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Mantel® Gral™ AWF (Coarse Sizes)
Delivers near water-resistant and abrasion-resistant seams, making it an excellent choice.
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Mantel® EcoVerde™ Gral™
A lubricated polyester thread made from 100% recycled pre-stabilised high tenacity continuous filament polyester.
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Mantel® EcoVerde™ Gral™ AS for Apparel
A lubricated polyester thread made from 100% recycled high tenacity continuous filament polyester.
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Mantel® EcoVerde™ Gral™ for Apparel
A lubricated polyester thread made from 100% recycled pre-stabilised high tenacity continuous filament polyester.
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Mantel® Gral™ for Apparel
A continuous filament polyester thread made from pre-stablised high tenacity polyester.
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Mantel® Gral™ Multiwarna
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Mantel® Gral™ Protect
Sewing thread is treated with an innovative process to give the finished thread anti-microbial properties.
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Mantel® Gral™ Quilt
Multi-needle quilting operations in the bedding and mattress sector
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Mantel® EcoVerde™ Gral™ Quilt
A specially finished 100% recycled polyester thread made from pre-stablised high tenacity continuous filament polyester.
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Mantel® Gral™ SIF
Benang poliester berpelumas yang bebas silikon yang sangat cocok untuk filtrasi basah permukaan otomotif atau produk toko cat.
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To drive your hidden costs down, talk to Coats. From thread audits in pre-production to the latest technical bulletins, we’ll provide support that achieves measurable results.
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