The anti-wick PFC-free threads for apparel end-use are offered in the Coats polyester thread brands Epic and Gral.
This leading development is one of the many positive actions taken by Coats to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and safety. The threads have a PFC-free anti-wick finish which prevents the capillary action of water transportation through the thread in the seam.
Coats anti-wick PFC-free threads are the very best thread choice for no-compromise, premium water-resistant outdoor wear. Epic EcoVerde AWF (100% recycled polyester corespun) is being launched in the standard thread sizes and put-up lengths. The fibres on the surface of the thread help to ‘lock’ the thread in the seam, limiting thread movement and helping to prevent runback.
Fitur dan Manfaat
- Lapisan akhir anti-keringat bebas PFC mencegah aksi kapiler masuknya air melalui benang di dalam jahitan
- High seam strength due to the construction of Epic, with the continuous filament polyester core and soft staple polyester wrap
- The fibres on the surface of the thread help to “lock” the thread in the seam, limiting thread movement and helping to prevent runback
- Coats Epic EcoVerde AWF is a high-tech corespun thread that combines a high tenacity polyester filament core with a polyester fibre wrap to make a versatile and productive thread
- Lapisan akhir yang diformulasikan secara khusus untuk memberikan tingkat ketahanan yang tinggi terhadap air
- Dilumasi secara khusus untuk menghasilkan kinerja jahitan yang luar biasa dalam aplikasi yang paling sulit sekalipun
- The high strength polyester filament core provides excellent seam appearance and strength
- Excellent abrasion resistance delivers flexibility and durability in the seams
- Globally available in an extensive colour range
Kegunaan Utama
- Jaket Luar Ruangan Soft Shell
- Pakaian Hujan Berkinerja
- Pakaian kerja
- Pakaian Luar Ruang
Kegunaan Utama
- Jaket Luar Ruangan Soft Shell
- Pakaian Hujan Berkinerja
- Pakaian kerja
- Pakaian Luar Ruang
Kegunaan Utama
- Jaket Luar Ruangan Soft Shell
- Pakaian Hujan Berkinerja
- Pakaian kerja
- Pakaian Luar Ruang
Epic AS
Benang jahit poliester Corespun didesain untuk down jacket, yang dirancang untuk memberikan nilai gesekan statis dan dinamis yang sangat baik yang meminimalkan daya tarik ke bawah jarum.
Read moreEpic AWF
Benang anti-serap yang tidak mengandung senyawa terperfluorinasi (PFCs) untuk pakaian luar ruangan dan pakaian kerja tahan air premium.
Read moreEpic Eco-B
Serat CiCLO® berperilaku lebih seperti serat alami ketika berakhir di lingkungan
Read moreEpic EcoVerde AS
Epic Ecoverde AS is a highly versatile corespun thread made from 100% recycled materials.
Read moreEpic EcoVerde Multicolour
Coats Epic EcoVerde Multicolour is a high-performance 100% recycled polyester corespun thread that has been injection dyed with up to 6 different colours.
Read moreEpic EcoVerde Protect
A 100% recycled polyester corespun with polyester wrap treated with an innovative process to give the finished thread anti-microbial / anti-fungal properties.
Read moreEpic EcoVerde Rugged
Benang jahit corespun poliester 100% daur ulang premium yang dirancang khusus untuk menciptakan jahitan yang menarik dan tahan lama terhadap berbagai material dan kain daur ulang.
Read moreEpic EcoVerde Supermax
A 100% recycled polyester wrapped corespun thread, which is manufactured using a very special core spinning technology.
Read moreEpic Protect
Coats Epic Protect sewing thread is treated with an innovative process to give the finished thread anti-microbial properties.
Read moreEpic ProtectV
Powered by HeiQ Viroblock, it is a premium quality polyester corespun sewing thread treated with HeiQ Viroblock component.
Read moreEpic RD
Polyester corespun thread which conforms to Nightwear Safety Regulations making it an ideal choice for children’s nightwear
Read moreEpic Rugged
High-tech thread which combines the strength, performance and superior properties of Epic with bleach-fastness for a thread that can withstand denim wash processes.
Read moreEpic SIF
Benang corespun dibungkus poliester yang bebas silikon dan sangat cocok untuk kebutuhan filtrasi dalam industri otomotif.
Read moreEpic Supermax
Benang corespun khusus dibungkus poliester untuk tampilan keliman yang lebih baik pada penjahitan pakaian halus dan pakaian bermutu tinggi.
Read morePenafian
Karena kondisi dan aplikasi sangat berbeda dalam penggunaan satu produk, pelanggan dan/atau pengguna harus memastikan bahwa produk tersenut memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan akhir dan sesuai untuk tujuan penggunaannya. Coats tidak bertanggung jawab atas penggunaan atau aplikasi produk yang tidak sesuai atau tidak benar.
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