FlamePro™ ARC is the ideal choice for employees in electricity distribution, utilities, refineries, and other hazardous industrial jobs.
It provides Category 2 level arc protection despite its lightweight design. It not only prioritizes comfort with lightweight workwear for enhanced mobility but also delivers exceptional color durability, ensuring long-lasting wear and outstanding value.
Exceptional heat and flame resistance and meets industry safety standards. Coats fabrics offer improved value without compromising quality.
FlamePro™ ARC provides optimum protection from Category 2 arc flash hazard.
You can promise your workers lighter and more comfortable workwear allowing great mobility while they work.
Maintaining durability for long lasting wear thanks to the durable colours incorporated in the yarn DNA.

- Arc rated and flame resistant
- Lightweight and comfortable
- Exceptional color durability
- Strong Category 2 level
- Sustainability credits for using just dope-dyed fiber

Penggunaan utama
- Any industry with potential arc hazard, people working with electrical systems
- Petro chemical industry
- Oil and Gas Industries
- Flame resistant workwear
- Utility and subcontractor wear
- Emergency wear and industrial workwear

Penggunaan utama
- Any industry with potential arc hazard, people working with electrical systems
- Petro chemical industry
- Oil and Gas Industries
- Flame resistant workwear
- Utility and subcontractor wear
- Emergency wear and industrial workwear

Penggunaan utama
- Any industry with potential arc hazard, people working with electrical systems
- Petro chemical industry
- Oil and Gas Industries
- Flame resistant workwear
- Utility and subcontractor wear
- Emergency wear and industrial workwear

Penggunaan utama
- Any industry with potential arc hazard, people working with electrical systems
- Petro chemical industry
- Oil and Gas Industries
- Flame resistant workwear
- Utility and subcontractor wear
- Emergency wear and industrial workwear

Penggunaan utama
- Any industry with potential arc hazard, people working with electrical systems
- Petro chemical industry
- Oil and Gas Industries
- Flame resistant workwear
- Utility and subcontractor wear
- Emergency wear and industrial workwear

FlamePro™ Splash
A molten metal splash protective fabric that is specially engineered to be lightweight, soft and flexible while maintaining durability for long lasting wear.
Read more
FlamePro™ High Visibility
An inherently flame resistant and high-visibility certified fabric that is one of the lightest fabrics of its kind.
Read morePenafian
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