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Coats has a long history of pioneering innovation and experience in the apparel and footwear and accessories industry and is a world leader in delivering quality products and technical services. We are pleased to introduce our comprehensive product offer for the safety shoes segment and to highlight the new highly functional and PFC free anti-wicking threads.

Güvenlik Ayakkabıları

Safety shoes are designed to provide security and durability, to withstand a daily hostile environment and at the same time to offer comfort and hygiene to their wearers. Coats range of robust sewing threads and zips ensure such footwear is durable, meets high quality standards and is held together with products that provide peace of mind.

Different safety shoe requirements can be met with our range of quality water repellent, anti-static, flame retardant, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, acid protection, oil and fuel resistance sewing threads and zips; all these complimented with convenient sourcing, reliable service and technical support, globally.

New PFC Free & Anti-wicking Threads

Previously, for water resistant seams most anti-wicking threads contained some PFCs substances such as perfluorinated carbon (PFC), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). These can have adverse effects to health and the environment and are not biodegradable.

Coats new 100% PFC free anti-wicking threads have the same functionality and meet the highest industry standards for water repellancy. They come with the versatility and superior sewing performance expected from Coats.

Safety Shoe Product Range

Product Tanım Characteristics
Nylbond Logo Bonded continuous filament nylon 6.6 Coats Nylbond is a bonded nylon thread made from pre-stabilised continuous filament nylon 6.6. Coats Nylbond cuts cleanly at thread trimming with no ply separation and provides superior abrasion resistance in the sewn product. The proprietary bonding technology yields a tough uniform bond with exceptional peel strength in a soft, supple construction.
Nymo Logo Bonded single ply multi-filament nylon Coats Nymo is a high-speed, multi-directional sewing creates thread rotation, causing traditional plied threads to untwist and fray. Coats Nymo unique, single-ply construction eliminates ply untwisting problems. A single ply of multi-filament nylon is lightly bonded at its point of contact, just enough to form a cohesive element without stiffening the product.
Gral Logo_tcm Continuous filament polyester Coats Gral is a lubricated polyester thread made from pre-stabilised high tenacity continuous filament polyester. Coats Gral is an excellent sewing thread for all types of leather and offers good abrasion resistance.
Pyrostar Logo Flame resistant meta-aramid Coats Pyrostar is a 100% stretch broken, long staple spun meta-aramid sewing thread offering outstanding, permanent heat and flame protection up to 370°C. It is uniquely engineered to provide exceptional flame, heat and electric arc resistance.
Firefly Logo Flame resistant meta-aramid Coats Firefly is a 100% staple spun meta-aramid sewing thread that offers outstanding resistance against heat up to flame temperatures of 371°C. It is uniquely engineered to provide exceptional flame, heat and electric arc resistance.
Protos Plus Flame resistant para-aramid A 100% para-aramid thread which is stronger than steel and can withstand temperatures up to 450°C.

Special Thread Finishes

Tanım Characteristics
Anti-wick New! Anti-wick (AW) PFC Free – The water repellent finish inhibits the capillary effect, thereby ensuring that no water is taken up by the thread, helping to provide a water resistant seam.
Cables Anti-static Anti-static (AST) – Combines the thread with a special conductive material. Designed for use where electrostatic charge is a problem (e.g. server rooms or places where flammable materials are stored or used).
Blossom Protect Anti-microbial Anti-microbial / anti-fungal (Protect) – The thread is treated with an innovative process to give anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. The process creates a “zone of inhibition” that prevents the growth of bacteria and pathogens around sewn seams, where microbes like to harbour, leaving seam crevices clean and fresh.

Coats Opti Zips for Safety Shoes

Coats Opti metal, plastic moulded and spiral zips for safety shoes. Our wide range is backed by our unrivalled zip manufacturing technology, designed to give Coats customers a product they can trust every time.


Coats Opti Zips Characteristics
Opti S Standard Opti S is the strongest slender spiral zip from Coats. It combines “S” technology with high quality components to produce a durable and good looking zip solution that simply works.
 Opti M Firefly Metal zips with meta-aramid tape; heat resistant up to 371°C.
Opti FlameMaster Metal or spiral zips using textile tapes with special molecular modified polyester, rendering permanent flame retardant properties.
Opti FlameGuard Chemically treated tapes with Flame Retardant (FR) chemicals – can be applied to all products.
Opti HydroS Chemically treated tapes with water repellent finish (AW) – can be applied to all products.
 Opti Signal Spiral or Metal zips with retro-reflective bands.

Technical Data

Thread Tanım Tex Etiket no Artikel Metraj Strength (cN) Elongation % Needle Size (metric)
Nylbond Logo Bonded continuous filament nylon 6.6 135 20 S654020 1,500 9,420 17 – 32 120 – 160
105 30 S660030/ S654030 2,500/ 1,500 6,380 16 – 34 110 – 130
70 40 S663040/ S654040 3,000/ 1,500 4,710 16 – 31 90 – 110
Nymo Logo Bonded single ply multifilament nylon 105 31 S415031/ S409031 2,500/ 1,500 6,190 15 – 35 90 – 110
70 41 S421041/ S409041 2,500/ 1,500 4,730 15 – 35 110 – 130
Gral Logo_tcm Continuous filament polyester 135 20 1322020/ 1302020 3,000/ 2,000 8,360 17 – 25 120 – 160
80 30 1322030/ 1302030 3,000/ 2,000 5,200 16 – 23 110 – 130
60 40 1322040 3,000 4,230 16 – 23 90 – 110
Pyrostar Logo Flame resistant meta aramid 135 20 SAD3020 1,000 5,800 17 – 27 120 – 160
70 40 SAD5040 2,500 2,750 17 – 27 90 – 110
Firefly Logo Flame resistant meta aramid 70 40 9600040 2,500 2,300 17 – 27 90 – 110
Protos Plus Flame resistant para aramid 80 35 SAE1035 3,000 10,600 3 – 5 110 – 130
60 50 SAE1050 3,000 8,000 3 – 5 100 – 110
Bonded continuous filament nylon 6.6
135 20 AWLH020 1,500 9,420 17 – 32 120 – 160
105 30 AWLH030 1,500 6,380 16 – 34 110 – 130
70 40 AWLH040 1,500 4,710 16 – 31 90 – 110
Bonded single ply multifilament nylon
105 31 S4AE031 2,500 6,660 15 – 35 110 – 130
70 41 CB34041 3,000 5,290 15 – 35 90 – 110
Continuous filament polyester
135 20 1402020 2,000 8,360 17 – 25 120 – 160
80 30 1402030 2,000 5,200 16 – 23 110 – 130
60 40 1422040 3,000 4,230 16 – 23 90 – 110
Continuous filament polyester
135 20 S2A2020 830gr 8,360 17 – 25 120 – 160
80 30 3450030 600gr 5,200 16 – 23 110 – 130
Continuous filament polyester
135 20 1A02020 2,000 8,360 17 – 27 120 – 160
80 30 1A02030 2,000 5,200 16 – 23 110 – 130
60 40 1A22040 3,000 4,230 16 – 23 90 – 110