Ideal for dry blocking in wire and cable products, Ultrabloc SY is carefully manufactured on state-of-the-art spinning equipment to ensure a smooth and consistent surface. This method of manufacture also prevents micro or macrobending. Its uncoated finish helps to reduce shedding or dusting during cable manufacturing, which improves productivity.
Furthermore Ultrabloc SY decreases cable prep time and eliminates the need for potentially hazardous solvents which also results in less requirement of consumable materials and a cleaner work environment.
Discover how Ultrabloc SY can enhance your products. Download our product information sheet or contact one of our experts.

Główne zastosowania
- Kable energetyczne niskiego, średniego lub wysokiego napięcia
- Aby utrzymać suchość kabla światłowodowego

Główne zastosowania
- Kable energetyczne niskiego, średniego lub wysokiego napięcia
- Aby utrzymać suchość kabla światłowodowego

Swellable Yarn Ultrabloc F
Superchłonna nić polimerowa, idealna do blokowania wilgoci w kable i przewodach.
Since conditions and applications vary considerably in the use of a product, the customer and/or user should assure herself or himself that the product meets end customer requirements and is suitable for the intended end use. Coats accepts no liability for unsuitable or improper use or application of products.
Information provided above is based on current averages and should be taken only as indicative. Coats accepts no liability for the preciseness and correctness of the information provided.
Product information sheets are updated from time to time, please be sure you are referring to the most recent publication. Coats supports customers with advice on individual applications on request; if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.