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Here is an example of a wash where the base denim is black, not indigo. The entire fabric is black, both warp and weft. This leads to some impressive fades, which is super exciting. The inspiration for this finish is based on a few heavily stone washed jeans – causing aggressive wear mark patterns. Even though it has been heavily washed, there’s not much breakage yet – and shade is dark, but faded with a flat appearance. However, the dark shade from the original fabric is still there. You find these kinds of shades in 1960s Levis 501. The whisker pattern on the front legs and behide the knees are very much visible. As this garment wash was going to be 1960s light stone look, we chose Coats C9308 (Light Grey) for the main thread colour so that it would blend into the denim base colour, and match the grey/ecru of the washes and highlights.
Additional Infomation:
Style Hand made by ENDRIME® Studio in West Sussex
Fabric used: Orta # 50709A Black Warp / Black Weft
Washed by experts at Jeanologia – with a Low EIM rating of 16 – made using a combination of Laser, G2 Pre-ozonic 10’, Enzyme 45’, eFlow atmos 08, ATMOSPHERIC 30’, Acid enzyme, G2 Wet 20’, Acid enzyme, Light PP, Nano laser grinding and eFlow Softening
This jean has been hand made by ENDRIME® Studio in West Sussex, using the very best Turkish Orta denim fabrics and the most advanced Sustainable washing treatments by the experts in Jeanologia Spain. The jean has been single needle tailored, with a combination of TEX 30, 60 and 90 thread. with a combination of two thread colours.
Details inculde:
3D beltloops with string inside for extra dualbilty and strength.
3/16″ edge stitch on Centre front fly opening
Fly stitch sewn with 1/8 twin needle stitch – going to single point.
Front Fly sewn with 1877 Neustadter Brothers Patented “Boss of the Road” one-piece continuous fly construction.
Front pockets sewn with 1/4” single needle edge stitch
Run and fell clean construction seams 1/4” and 5/16” (single needle tailored)
Chainstitch buttonholes sewn with a Reece 101 – Iron duke machine
Waistband stitch sewn with chainstitch with a Kansai Special machine.
Bottom of back pockets sewn with extra fabric for reinforcement fabric
Hem sewn with Union Special 43200G Bulldog machine, which creates vintage roping effect once washed.
Coats printed woven label – dyed with plant based Ink.
Coats leather patched hand stamped with plant based Ink.
Coats Screw on Buttons 29L made by Jawaid Bross – Unfinished Silver Colour
Unbranded Washer and Burr rivets in either, Sliver, Copper or Gunmetal finish
Thank you for your enquiry.
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Registered users can place Sample Orders . Contact local Coats office for registration.
Registered users can place Bulk Orders . Contact local Coats office for registration.