It is a temperature resistance fibre glass thread with exceptional thermal stability up to operating temperatures of 593ºC. Fibre glass material does not burn, and E glass variety is used for spark plugs, thermo couples and ROHS compliant colour coded insulation wire assemblies.
The additional PTFE coating gives the product excellent frictional properties which it does not naturally have or has been imparted by conventional lubricants. The product provides good resistance to acids, alkalis and oxidants.
Glasmo QT is a Quartz sewing thread made from high purity, continuous filament pure fused silica with a maximum operating temperature of 2000°F/1094°.

Fitur dan Manfaat
- Unique blue sintering technology (as opposed to open flame) for low strength loss
- PTFE tower coating for excellent frictional properties and chemical inertness
- Excellent ‘cake release’ filtration properties on account of unique PTFE sintering technology
- Our glass thread is capable of operating in high operating temperatures of over 550ºC.
- ROHS compliant dye stuffs for colour coded insulation assemblies
- Available in large package knotless tower tubes for high productivity operations
- Memenuhi daftar bahan terlarang Coats

Penggunaan utama
- Insulation (E glass)
- Spark plugs (E glass)
- Thermo couples (E glass)
- Wire assemblies (E glass)
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