Made from soft flow thermoplastic elastomers, Soft-Flowing materials have been designed to create insoles with incredibly soft edges for extra comfort but are also highly resistant to breakage and deliver excellent shape retention properties.
Product Portfolio
Thermoplastic, extruded, semi-firm and elastic material that allows quick and easy processing. For perfect bonding results, we recommend additional suitable material from our range. The adhesive is in the bond and the edges become smooth as they become liquid during processing. The activation of the adhesive and the softening are produced by heat. The material retains its shape after cooling.
Thermoplastic, extruded, semi-rigid and elastic material that allows quick and easy processing. For perfect bonding results, we recommend additional suitable material from our range. The adhesive is in the mass and the edges are smooth as they become liquid during processing. The activation of the adhesive and the softening are produced by heat. After cooling, the material retains its shape.
Rx 31.8
Thermoplastic and firm material which provides fast and easy processing and ensures highly reliable bonding to a wide variety of materials.
The adhesive is in the compound and the edges end up smooth because they turn fluid during processing. Activation for the adhesive and the softening is created by heat. The material stays in shape after cooling down. It can be heated up and preformed again many times.
Thermoplastic and firm reinforcement material which provides fast and easy processing. The material stays in shape after cooling process. The adhesive is in the compound and the edges end up smooth because they turn fluid during processing. Activation for the adhesive and the softening is created by heat. The material stays in shape after cooling process.
Rx 44.1
Thermoplastic and firm material which provides fast and easy processing. Both sides are covered with a tear proof polyester fabric which results in a product that will perform the standards of outstanding quality. The adhesive is in the compound and the edges end up smooth because they turn fluid during processing. Activation for the adhesive and the softening is created by heat. The material stays in shape after cooling process.
Rx 44.2
Thermoplastic soft to semi-firm material which provides fast and easy processing. Both sides are covered with a tear proof polyester fabric which results in a product that will perform the standards of outstanding quality. The adhesive is in the compound and the edges end up smooth because they turn fluid during processing. Activation for the adhesive and the softening is created by heat. The material stays in shape after cooling process. Flowing behavior is positioned in between Rx 31.8 and Rx 41.2 lines.
Thermoplastic extruded, soft and elastic material. Covered on both sides with a polyester fabric. It possesses excellent flexibility without any cracking. Designed for heavy repeated bending. Perfect as foot length base for insole build up – no soft flow characteristic. For perfect bonding results we recommend additional suitable material from our range or liquid adhesive.
Main Uses
- Medical
- Orthopedic
Main Uses
- Medical
- Orthopedic
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Information provided above is based on current averages and should be taken only as indicative. Coats accepts no liability for the preciseness and correctness of the information provided.
Product information sheets are updated from time to time, please be sure you are referring to the most recent publication. Coats supports customers with advice on individual applications on request; if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.